Armory Rules and Regulations-Do not post multiple weapons or pieces of armor (unless full body armor that provides the same protection in all areas) in a single topic. Each weapon and piece of armor receives its own individual topic.
-Weapons, Armors and Items that do not have any special abilities do not need to be approved. Only the slotted pieces of your armory do.
-You cannot have shapeshifting forges.
-There are no multi-wielding requirements and you have access to this upon entering the site.
-If a weapon is broken it needs not be reapproved but instead can be reforged in between topics. If you wish to reforge them within a topic you would have to use and appropriate slot.
Armory TemplateName: (What's its name?)Type: (What is it? Weapon, Armor or Item?)Description: (What does it look like? Picture Acceptable. However, please include important details such as the size of the weapon.)Abilities: (What abilities does it have? How often can it use these abilities?)History: (How did you receive this? Optional. If you decide to not fill it out then remove this section from the template.) - Code:
[u][b]Name:[/b][/u] [i](What's its name?)[/i]
[u][b]Type:[/b][/u] [i](What is it? Weapon, Armor or Item?)[/i]
[u][b]Description:[/b][/u] [i](What does it look like? Picture Acceptable. However, please include important details such as the size of the weapon.)[/i]
[u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] [i](What abilities does it have? How often can it use these abilities?)[/i]
[u][b]History:[/b][/u] [i](How did you receive this? Optional. If you decide to not fill it out then remove this section from the template.)[/i]